Sunday, December 18, 2022

It's not goodbye, it's see you again

 I am going to keep this one very short. I said goodbye to my best friend at 1345 on 8 NOV 2022. Moose had a great life. He ran, swam, hunted, and lived well. He had gotten to the point where he could barely walk. It was his time to move on. I will admit, I was not ready to let him go, but keeping him around only made every day even more painful than the last. I was with him until the end, and I have him here with me right now as tears are in my eyes while I type this out. I have been for-going posting this for some time because i knew it would hurt but writing things out seems to help. I miss him dearly and I feel like I have lost part of myself, but this is not good bye. This is, I will see you again. I know he is upstairs playing on the shore of the lake waiting for me. I am not going to put a ton of pictures up because, those are for me.

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