Thursday, September 5, 2013

Well, it's still outdoors related

I have not been fishing for a little bit except two times in Colorado. I fished 11 Mile, Spinney, and the Dream Stream for a total of 7 hours over the span of two days. In that time we were able to bring several fish to hand but only one stood out. Granted it was maybe 18 inches long, but it needs to lay off the stone fly's and eat more trico's

I have been playing a ton of golf, and I use the word "ton" lightly here, I mean I have been playing 3 to 5 times a week and hitting range balls everyday. I have not been going light on the range either, I am hitting between 300 and 700 balls a day. 

I have had the chance to play at some great courses

I have also had some AMAZING shots, such as this shot. This was a 301 yard par 4, I took one shot to put the ball literally inches from the hole with my 5 wood.

When I started playing around the time I came back from Lake Powell (see way below for that trip) in May I was shooting around 115 on 18 holes. Me being me, I could not allow that to fly, and I set a goal to shoot par on any course I play. I have inched closer and closer every game and after alot of reading and watching videos, I am nearly there

Fall is just around the corner and water fowl season is inching closer as well. Also don't forget about the brown spawn, the kokanee run, and a certain lake we like to visit alot that is far away that is on fire in the fall, stay tuned more to come.